Many mothers contact us when they have a baby in a BREECH POSITION asking if we can help “turn the baby” into a head-down position. A head-down position is preferred for an easier and less stressful birth.
With chiropractic, we do not actually turn the baby, we simply create more space and balance in the pelvis to help baby stretch, move and flip themselves. This is why we are known for helping to ‘turn babies’ from a breech position, transverse or back-to-back position, as very often it helps them wriggle to a head-down position with gravity.
Chiropractors work on the joints of the sacrum, lumbar spine and pubic bone, as well as the nerves, muscles and ligaments of the pelvis, abdomen and uterus. These gentle and precise adjustments help to soften the tension and restrictions in the pelvis and uterus (where baby sits) to allow increased movement. Pregnancy chiropractors release the restrictions, also known as the WEBSTER TECHNIQUE and baby can move freely into a better, more optimal birth position.

“I have helped numerous mothers and babies find a better birth position over the years, some happening straight after the adjustment, walking in our car park or the same evening when relaxing in bed. Obviously there may be some instances where baby is not meant to be head-down and breech is the best position for them. What is important, is that baby has the space and comfort to stretch, grow and develop as optimally as possible. I want the mother to enjoy a comfortable pregnancy and an empowering labour”.
Dr Michelle Knowles, Doctor of Chiropractic.