Are you this month’s “INSPIRATION” at BodyEvolve? We love acknowledging how great our members are feeling and celebrating their journey to wellness.
Dave Francis
You are doing AMAZING. You have been committed, consistent and passionate about your journey in Chiropractic. Gold Star Dave*
Greg Rogers
Congratulations on completing your couch to 5k challenge. We have loved hearing about your progress when you have come to visit. Keep up your amazing work.
Michelle Royle & Alan Milligan
Well done on both your fantastic achievements, Michelle with your running and Alan with your walking. Having raised over £7,000 between you for charity.
Joanne Woolley
What a fabulous journey you are on, you come in each week with such commitment and enthusiasm. It was so wonderful for the team to see you come to clinic without the aid of your walking stick, which now means you are able to hold both your children’s hands, at the same time.