Hi, I’m Sally the Homeopath at BodyEvolve. My clinic room is upstairs next to the treatment room for anyone that has been wondering!
Today, I just wanted to tell you about a particular interest of mine, and that is gut health.
In Homeopathy we have these amazing remedies that work on restoring the balance in this area which in turn aids healing of a whole host of problems, especially skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, allergies, also mental health issues like anxiety and depression, bowel problems like IBS, Crohn’s disease, colitis and many, many more.
I have taught on this subject at the North West College of Homeopathy where I trained and it is amazing to share the knowledge of what we can help with.
Did you know that up to 80% of our immune system comes from our gut? So heal the gut, heal the person. I look forward to chatting with anyone that feels they need help in this area.
On a last note, I have been thinking about holding a low cost clinic once a month for anyone who struggles with acute illnesses, that wouldn’t require a full in-depth consultation.
If you are in clinic, please give feedback to the team about this idea. Time slots would be 30 minutes max and cost £15.
If you required further time we would book further sessions. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or keen to book a session at our chiropractor clinic in Woodley.
Happy Healing with Homeopathy